26th September to 03rd October
03rd October, 2022
Well, things got a little out of hand, but here we are.
Couple of young MI patients in the last few days made me seriously start considering quitting smoking again. I mean, c'mon, my lifestyle is the single unhealthiest one I know of. And I would hate to be a cripple in my 30s.
Handicap, I do fear, death not so much.
Day before yesterday, I had another deathless night. Streak 3.
Gosh, I am good at this, amn't I?
And today, I finished reading close to 60 pages of my fellowship material over 6 hours.
We're really taking control of things here, folks.
But to be true, I think I'm sinking deeper into depression. Mornings are getting harder. The quality of sleep is deteriorating.
It takes a herculean effort to move a finger. I'm suicidal twice a day.
It feels like wading in a thick, viscous, dark, sooty cloud, which sinks into your skin and makes your eyes burn.
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